Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Grace Builders

Do you know what a "Grace Builder" is? That is one of those moments in time where you have a choice....to make a Christ like decision or a human decision. Your choice is totally up to you! We should all strive to make Godly choices in our lives. But easier said than done some days.

God woke me up the other night at midnight. I know it was Him, no one else in my household is awake at that hour! He wakes my momma up in the middle of the night for little talks, whether she wants to talk or not. (In the end she does!) Anyway, He reminded of a Grace Builder episode in my life. It was several months ago. But I can remember it well, I wanted to cry afterwards or maybe I did cry.

I work at the church we attend and so I was headed to the Post Office to mail some letters. It was bulk mail so not at the usual windows up front but the business entrance around back. It's usually not very busy. You get in, you get out, your done. That doesn't happen very often at the Post Office, huh?! I had done everything the same as I had done before. I walked in and set the letters on the counter and a woman, whom I hadn't worked with back there before, came in and looked at my paperwork and told me all the things that were wrong with it. She did tell me how to fix them. (The man I had dealt with up until that day had done all the weighing for me. I didn't even know I was supposed to do this.) By using a formula that was rather greek to me, I was supposed to add this, then multiply that, and then do something else and then you got your answer (or if you are me, you didn't get your answer). I do not enjoy math and all that that entails! (to say the least) So, I even wrote down what she said and still could not figure out what she wanted. I had to take all the letters back to the church (across town) and figure out the formula for weighing them and then take them back to the Post Office. Of course, it was the next day before I could go back. On another occasion, always with the Post Office, I had bulk mailings (bulk means 200 or more pieces) that were one sheet folded over and taped. I was informed that they needed to be taped in two places on the outer edges not one piece of tape in the middle, like I had already done! Yes, I had to go buy tape and sit in my car and tape over 200 letters in two places each!

Grace Builders!!

After the first episode, when I got back to the church Pastor Don said they are Grace Builders. I probably said something like, "I don't want any more grace!" Of course, Pastor Don is a very gracious man to begin with! So I had to learn something from this experience. First I learned-send Pastor Don to the Post Office-he got them mailed without any problems. Second I learned-we all have moments in our lives where we can choose to be angry, stay angry or seek revenge on others or GROW IN GRACE!

It's not always fun learning new things and it's not always easy! But, if you learn it with Grace, you might find you don't have to learn it twice!

Just a thought at midnight!

Go in Grace!

P.S. the lady at the PO was just doing her job! (even if I didn't agree with her!)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

To blog or not to blog....

It's been harder than I thought it would be to find time to blog. I think of something to talk about and then never find a moment to write it down. When I find the time my mind goes blank!
There has been alot going on in our lifes the last few weeks. We traveled back to Portales to be with Darynda for her Launch Party of her newly released book, First Grave on the Right!!! Congrats, Darynda! So proud of you!
We brought my parents home with us for a few days. It was good for them to get out of their rut and see a change of scenery! They got to spend some time with their two great-grandsons. Of course, they are my grandsons, so, yeah, they are great! Over all we had a grand time.
It's difficult on families with aging parents. Especially aging parents that don't live close by. I know, I know, I am the one that moved away! But it doesn't make it any easier. I would like to snap my fingers and make them either not aging, not happening, or not so far away, possible. That is if they move our way.
My mom has entered the computer age of facebook. She now farms, on-line of course. She brags to my dad that she can harvest so much faster than he could, you know in the old days when he used a real tractor and had a real field with real dirt. It is keeping her occupied and I think even happy! I think it is good for an aging mind to stay active with modern technology. And she is staying in touch with family members she hasn't seen in years. Overall it has been a good experience for her. Dad isn't all that impressed with virtual farming. But at least he gets the TV remote!

I heard a new song on the way to work this morning. It was called 7 x 70. By Chris August. It is talking about forgiveness!
Matthew 18:21-22 tell us:
21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”
 22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.

Who do you need to forgive today? Don't put it off before it is too late!

Tell your loved ones that you love them every day!!! You never know when it will be your last time to see them.
God bless each of you and have a blessed day!