Friday, April 15, 2011

A Mother's Heart

I've heard so many mother's and children's poems, statements, sayings or whatever you want to call them, about being a mom and raising a child. They talk about life as a mother. The joys! The pitfalls! The triumphs! The failures! They make you think And some times cry!

Today I am thinking of a few as I prepare for my 19 year old baby boy to move out on his own. Granted he is only moving in an apartment about two miles down the road (I tell him that is why I am crying, he is only moving two miles away, but we both know I lie!) It's one of those steps everyone has to make some time in their life. Some leave home for college, some for marriage, and some because they are 19 and ready to spread their wings and soar!

As I sit here this morning and think about life, I think back to the days when things seemed more simple. The kids fighting over who got the front seat in the car on the way to town (SHOTGUN!, as it was so affectionately screamed at our house). Whose turn it is to clean out the dishwasher. Whose turn it is to feed and water the dog. I didn't know it but we had a fourth child named "not mine" in our household as many of you probably did! Or still do.

As they grew up you started dealing with the big issues: BOYS!!!! was a big one in our house of two daughters. Sports being a close second to the dating drama. Sometimes I wish the only thing I had to deal with was getting homework done for the day! And then I think back to days of homework and I remember the other issues, BOYS and SPORTS!! Who had time for homework?!?!?!

We survived our three amazing children's childhoods with minor wear and tear and all body parts intact (a few broke but all accounted for! mostly on Kelli!) Which leads to the question of how did we prepare them for their future as spouses and parents? Or just grown ups? Our oldest is an amazing mommy, yoga studio owner and yoga instructor. Our middle child is a NICU nurse at a large hospital in El Paso. Our baby has been working for the same heating and air conditioning company for two years. This is only a small part of what they do. They are productive citizens in our society. This is not necessarily who they are. They all three attend church with their families. Are involved with their churches in some way besides filling a pew on Sunday morning. I say all this not for my credit but for God's Glory. He gave us amazing children and allowed us to raise them as we saw fit. I pray we have done well by Him.

Back to some of those sayings! Two that really hit home today!

"A mother holds her child's hand for a little while....their hearts forever!"
“Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.”

So, on this day, as my beautiful baby boy packs up his belongings and moves them to another home to start his own future and his own past, I cry, I smile, I laugh and then I probably buy the pizza!!!

Love your children more than you have to!!  They truly are gifts from God!

God bless all,

1 comment:

  1. Well done, my sweetest friend. I know, personally, what a great job that you and Johnnie have done raising your fabulous children. They are amazing young adults. Now, take a couple of minutes and listen to the old song, "It'll Come Back," by Red Sovine. I think you can relate!
